Wednesday 5 November 2008

Cover #3 - i-D magazine featuring Bjork

My third magazine cover I chose to analyze was the June 2007 issue of i-D magazine as I am now moving onto looking at magazines that are in the genre in which my magazine will fall into. I would of analyzed more but magazines in this genre are limited. This is my favourite cover out of them all as it has the aspects of a rave magazine that i like, the vibrant colours and the simplistic design of the words and title. i-D magazine is classed as a fashion magazine but has aspects I'd like to incorperate into my own design. I chose this peticular issue of i-D magazine as it was the most colourful one I could find on their archive. It features Bjork and her photograph covers the entire page with no other pictures - just words over the picture. The 'Waaghh' title that covers the picture are in a scattered formation which emphasizes the way you would say 'waaghh' - like something was out of control or going crazy. I think they've chosen this word specifically to link in well with the feeling of the picture and nature of the magazine.

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